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I hope this email finds you well and healthy during these unprecedented times.

It's at this time of the year that we reach out to you for support of the Greek Community of Toronto as we partake in the annual 5K Walk/Run as part of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.  The event this year will see the marathon take place at various dates and times as a virtual race/walk.

Our President Mr. Andonis Artemakis has actively fundraised through the Scotiabank Challenge with great success for the last 8 years. The effort to raise money to support our community is always a challenge but last year it peaked, when it found our President mid-way through the walk feel unwell and be rushed to the emergency department where he was diagnosed as suffering a heart attack.

Despite last year's unfortunate incident our ever persistent president returns to finish the walk and continue to raise donations for our community. He walks as an excellent example for us all, that even through challenges and fear, we must persevere towards our goals. 

The President has inspired us and will be joined this year by the Secretary of the GCT Vanessa Kiryttopoulou and the Chair of Fundraising Katerina Tsekarea. Each will walk in hopes of raising as much as they can to help the Greek Community remain an established organization with the goal of education and promoting Greek language, heritage, culture, and arts with the true relentless spirit of the Greeks. 

We CANNOT do this without your support. Due to the imperative and extraordinary measures resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Greek Community of Toronto along with many businesses and charities in our community are struggling to survive.  In accordance with all public health and safety guidelines, we've been forced to cancel all public events and activities. We know we ask for your support continuously through our membership programs, as parishioners and as sponsors in kind, but COVID-19 has made difficult an already challenging situation and our organization's vitality is at risk now more than ever.

Your contribution will go directly to the rescue fund so we can be able to make up at least some of the loss, cover our operating costs and once again run all our programs that benefit our community and our people.

No donation is too small. Every dollar counts.

Donate Now

Andonis Artemakis - Donate Now

Vanessa Kiryttopoulou - Donate Now

Katerina Tsekarea - Donate Now

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank you in advance for your contribution. 

With gratitude,

Katerina Tsekarea

Fundraising Department 

November 13, 2020

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