The City of Toronto’s 50 Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) cameras will begin issuing tickets to speeding vehicles today. If a vehicle is detected travelling in excess of the posted speed limit in an ASE-enforced area, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a ticket regardless of who was driving.
Automated speed enforcement aims to increase road safety, reduce speeding and raise public awareness about the need to slow down and obey posted speed limits.
The 50 cameras are installed city-wide on local, collector and arterial roads in Community Safety Zones near schools. Each ward has two ASE cameras that will capture and record images of vehicles travelling in excess of the posted speed limit. Signage is installed in advance of all ASE locations to make motorists aware of their presence.
The total payable fine amount includes a set fine, determined by Schedule D under the Provincial Offences Act, a victim fine surcharge and applicable court costs. Offenders are only fined – demerit points will not be applied.
ASE camera locations are selected based on data that indicate where speed and collisions have been a problem in Community Safety Zones near schools. Additional selection considerations included planned road work, speed limits changes, obstructions or impediments to the equipment, boulevard space and the nature of the road (e.g. sharp curves or steep hills).
A three-month, multilingual public education campaign to raise awareness about automated speed enforcement in Toronto and remind residents of the dangers of speeding was also launched today. The campaign will be featured across multiple platforms and media until September.
City Council has endorsed using speed cameras to help enforce the rules of the road and keep residents safe. The Government of Ontario approved regulations to allow municipalities to operate automated speed enforcement programs in December 2019. Cameras were installed at 50 locations shortly after the approval was granted and the City began issuing warning letters to drivers during the 90-day pre-ticketing period. Ticketing was scheduled to start in April but was delayed due to the COVID-19 shutdown.
In February and March before the temporary suspension of the program, Transportation Services staff issued more than 25,000 warning letters to drivers.
More information on the City’s Automated Speed Enforcement program and a map of all locations is available on the City’s website.