Jordi Mand’s new play, In Seven Days, deals sensitively and sensibly with the critical topic that is mentioned by its acronym MAID. It stands for Medical Assistance in Dying and refers to the highly controversial method of ending one’s life.
Mand’s play has pathos, humour and drama brought out brilliantly by a talented cast directed by Philip Akin.
Sam (Ron Lea) is an elderly man and a successful lawyer suffering from incurable cancer that has metastasized to his bones. He has reached the end of his endurance of chemotherapy and painkillers and has decided to put an end to his life. Sam is a good man, a practicing Jew and his decision appears rational and sensible.
His daughter Rachel (Shaina Silver-Baird), a powerful lawyer and loving child is opposed to her father’s end-of life decision and she mounts serious attempts to dissuade him. She is eloquent, effective and intense in her attempts and Silver-Baird is splendid in the role.
Sam has been living with Shelley (Mairi Babb) a younger and attractive woman, for about a dozen years. He has not married her but she is in love with him and has become a dedicated caregiver. She is opposed to Sam’s plan to end his life. Babb as Shelley must prove her love of Sam and defend herself against Rachel’s suspicions of her true motives. A sensitive and fine portrayal by Babb.
Rabbi Eli (Ralph Small) is an old friend of Sam’s and his spiritual advisor who wants to make sure that what his buddy is planning is not murder which as at first blush it seems to be. Small gives a fine performance as a man of the temple and a friend who needs to negotiate between the two shoals of morality and religious strictures.
Darren (Brendan McMurtry-Howlett), a professional D.J. is Rachel’s recently separated boyfriend. He was looked down upon by Sam but turns out to be a sensible young man. McMurtry-Howlett does excellent work in turning Sam’s contempt of him into appreciation of his decency.
The announcement on Facebook of Sam’s intention to end his life in seven days causes an uproar in the small town where he lives and the issue is joined between Sam and the people that love him and between Sam and the Rabbi representing the Jewish faith.
In a terrific plot twist, Sam decides to marry Shelley a few days before the mortal seventh and Mand provides some humorous incidents as frantic preparations take place for the nuptials.
The set by Sean Mulcahy consists of a tastefully furnished apartment with a kitchen on the side. The costumes by Mulcahy are appropriate for the social milieu of the characters.
Philip Akin directs the play with a sure hand and fine timing.
I will not disclose the end of the play but will state that I enjoyed the piece and the performance immensely. It was first produced at the Grand Theatre in London, Ontario and it should do well in the rest of Canada.
In Seven Days by Jordi Mand, commissioned and produced by the Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company continues until May 16, 2024, at the Greenwin Theatre, 5040 Yonge St, North York, ON M2N 6R8. www.hgjewishtheatre.com
Ralph Small and Ron Lea in In Seven Days. Photo Dahlia Katz