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Το Τμήμα Παιδείας της  Ελληνικής ΚοινότηταςΤορόντο προσφέρει διαδικτυακά μαθήματα για το ελληνόγλωσσο σχολικό πρόγραμμα.

Online Paideia Greek Language Program

As school closures have been extended due to theCOVID-19 pandemic, the Greek Community of Toronto remains committed tosupporting your children's Greek language education. Specifically,the Paideia Department of Education is pleased to inform you that we havedeveloped Google classrooms for all grades K-12. Starting on Monday April6, you will have access to your virtual classroom. We will be sending toyou a class code via email in the next few days. You will use this code toconnect to your google classroom. If you are not able to connect, we recommendthat you create a Gmail account, because sometimes other emails don'twork. For assistance or if you have any questions about this program, pleasecontact us at or

If you do not receive theaforementioned classroom code by April 6, please let us know. Weencourage you to complete the weekly homework assignments, and to explore thenumerous resources from Greece. Detailed instructions are provided onceyou access your classroom. We recommend that you continue to use theseresources even when we return to school, as they provide a rich learningenvironment for our students. Finally, if you are aware of any greatresources that you would like to recommend, please help us build a greatrepository of educational resources, that we can continue to use in thefuture.

Attention Credit School Students! As things arenot very clear at this time about what the credit requirements are for thecurrent school year, it is mandatory for you to complete theonline assignments. We would like to remind you that a credit is grantedin recognition of successful completion of a course for which a minimum of110 hours of learning time has been scheduled.

With the Google classroom activities, we willhave the necessary proof for the Ministry of Education that you havecompleted the required hours.

We hope the above information answers anyquestions you may have about your child's Greek language education. We willcontinue to communicate with you and support you during this unprecedentedsituation. 

We hope you continue to be safeand well. Μένουμε σπίτι!


Michael Tsouroupakis,                                                Konstantinos Flegas,

Chair                                                                          Director

March 31, 2020

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