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2 lbs. of whole red mullet, scaled &gutted

2 teaspoons sea salt

1 cup of all purpose flour

up to 1/3 cup for frying + 1/3 cup ofextra-virgin olive oil for sauce

6-7 sprigs  fresh rosemary

7-8 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped

1/2 cup red wine vinegar

            •           Seasonthe cavity of of fish and both sides with sea salt  and allow to sit for20 minutes. Add 1/3 cup olive oil into the pan over medium-high heat and dredgethe fish in flour. When your oil is hot, add the fish in batches and fry forabout 4-5 minutes a side or until just golden and reserve on a serving platter.

            •           In thesame pan, discard the frying oil, wipe the pan, add remaining olive, add thesprigs of rosemary and fry until just crisp and they’ve turned to an olivegreen. Now add the garlic and swirl around and as soon as you can see thegarlic turn colour and you can smell it – add the wine vinegar and stir andreduce until the sauce has become slightly sweet (shouldn’t be sour).

            •           Pour thesauce over the fish (along with garlic and rosemary) and serve immediately.

            •           Pour thesauce over the fish (along with garlic and rosemary) and serve immediately.Serve with a potato salad, some boiledvlita (wild greens) and acrisp bottle of Domaine Gavalas Malvaziafrom Crete.

September 13, 2019

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